I was not aware of how full one day can be! Sunday morning I woke up around 6am, not knowing what the day would bring, and headed to the airport. Mrs. Claassen and I checked in fine, and everything passed through security, praise God. 10:25 hit and we were on our way to Mexico. Looking back in my old journal entrees, I found that on March 9, 2010, I wrote that someday I would go to Refuge Ranch. A year and a half later, here I am. It is absolutely beautiful here! I am literally looking out the office window staring at a snow caped volcano. Being from Michigan, I had never seen mountains before now. They are gorgeous. Mexico city is amazingly HUGE. As we were flying over it, houses and buildings just covered the earth as far as we could see. The first thing I see walking out of the airport to be picked up, was a palm tree!! After waiting a short time, our rides arrived, and we headed out. Then we drove about two hours to Refuge Ranch. The Ranch is on a hill so from here, you can see several cities along with rolling hills, palm trees, and beautiful wild flowers. When we arrived at the Ranch, everyone was still at church, so we ended up welcoming them home :) Mrs. Claassen and I settled in our room and as soon as their big red van pulled in, everything started. Lots of children came at once wanting to see 'Grandma' and what 'surprises' she had brought this time. Ever since then I have been playing with the children, trying to keep up with their Spanish and sorting through many buckets of clothing. The Marshal family has two teenagers who I am able to have full conversations with, since they are both completely bilingual. They held youth group last night with the older Zaragoza girls, and myself. We played games, one of them being the shaving cream and cheeto toss! It was really a lot of fun. Although, still trying to get used to the time change (being 2 hour difference thanks to our time change) I'm ready for bed about 8:30, and am waking up at 5 in the morning.
As I was on the plane, soaring above the earth and all it's inhabitants, it reminded me of how big our God really is and that he knows everyone of our names, and not only that, but our past, presents, and futures too. God is quite amazing.
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